DIY Cretan soap
Published in "Cretan Tales"
We don’t want to sound like the Portokalos father in ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’, but did you know that soap also probably came from…

The ascent to Mount Yuchtas
Published in "Island Routes"
Sometimes you don’t need to go very far to find wild Cretan nature. The anthropomorphic mountain of Yuchtas is just a few kilometers away from…

The herbal ‘sanctuaries’ of Crete
Published in "Crete 360°"
In Crete you can easily find tasty food, great wine and good company. Finding good herbs to drink as an infusion or buy, however, can…

The Natural Pharmacy of Crete
Published in "Crete 360°"
You walk in the mountains of Crete and you think the place is full of dry bushes of no interest whatsoever. Think again....almost everything that…