Crete is not just a tourist destination.
Check out her alternative side!


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Crete as we Live it

Rethymno in a dreamy timelapse

Rethymno, beautiful and dreamy, surrendered to the moods of the weather. The clouds dance to the rhythm of Ross Daly’s lyre, passing over Fortezza and the sea… As George Gavalas, photographer and creator of this timelapse video says:

"If you do not live next to the sea every day you do not know how it is to wake up and face her vastness. 

She always gives you the feeling of traveling even if you are stuck at the same place... "

So let us travel you through your screen:

music: Ross Daly

sound / montage: Defkalion Manidakis

RETHYMNO from George Gavalas on Vimeo.