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  • © Christos Tsoumplekas
Crete as we Live it

Kallia Spyridaki (Archanes)

"Within the three years of my unemployment, I met a lot of people who managed to bring out their abilities during the crisis. What happens around us is amazing. There is a development and a revival in things that cannot be revealed in 'financial numbers', but are apparent in everyday life. We have come across miracles in the last few years which should be exposed.

The instinct of self-preservation is the greatest of all. This is what makes you creative. In tranquil periods, everything is normal, you loosen-up, relax and therefore you don't develop your abilities."

Kallia is a musician (a core, former member of the band Chainides) and also a music teacher. She is also a member of a group of friends who will open up 'Plumi' next month which is a partner cafe-convenience store in Archanes. 

Story: Cretazine

Photo: Christos Tsoumplekas

Translation into english: Sofia Agatzioti