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Crete as we Live it

New kids on the square

'Kids play' at Eleftherias Square bringing to life the joyless marbles. Acrobatics, tricks, break dance and kickflips...these kids skateboard until they drop (literaly). And in this way the urban space is conquered and acquires a new perspective. Everyday you will see the kids there experimenting with their skateboards on the 'natural' ramps of the square. 

This video was shot in the frame of the "Imagine the City" exhibition that took place on May and presented fresh ideas for the 'renovation' of the city. The organizers borrowed some ramps and placed them on the square for a 'mini' street skateboarding celebration.  Afterall, the exhibition included a proposal for a small skateboarding park. TBA? 

 Video by: Michalis Michailidis, Contest organization: Bart