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  • The industrial building of the Natural History Museum of CreteThe industrial building of the Natural History Museum of Crete© Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum of Crete

Additional Info

  • Type - Category: Museum
  • Address: Sofoklis Venizelou Av. (Dermatas cove)
  • Telephone: 2810 282740, 393630
  • Working Hours:

    Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 20:00

    Weekends: 10:00 - 21:00

  • Entrance Fee:

    General Admission Fee: €8 

    Children 3 - 18 years old and people over 65 year old: €5

    Students: €5


Cretazine Tips

Until September 2012, the Natural History Museum will be hosting a temporary exhibition "Dinos of Patagonia" consisting of 25 dinosaurs of various sizes. Read more about the exhibition here: http://www.dinosincrete.gr/

Published in  What to see



The Natural History Museum of Crete operates under the framework of the University of Crete and is hosted in an old industrial building by the sea. Actually this building once housed the first electricity factory of the city

The main section of the Museum presents the rich biodiversity of the Mediterranean and its environmental characteristics, focusing on Crete and Greece in general (Mega-Dioramas). There is also a "live museum" where you can observe small scale aquariums and terrariums housing living animals typically found in Eastern Mediterranean regions. The fossils’ section includes samples of fossil bones from Crete and other islands of the South Aegean Sea, coming from different geological periods. Among them you will see specimens of endemic small sized elephants and two species of deer from the islands of Kasos and Karpathos. 

The "highlights" of the Museum, however, are the gigantean Deinotherium and the seismic table.  The former presents the third largest mammal in the world, 4,5m high and 6,5 m. long, whose skeleton was excavated in Crete, and specifically in the region of Agia Fotia, Sitia.  This creature lived in Crete 8,5 millions of years ago and a representation of his body was reconstructed in its real size with the help of scientists working in the Museum and Dutch technicians. As for the seismic table, it offers an earthquake experience to visitors sitting on classroom desks (!) without its real effects though! The program includes information on earthquake protection measures and it is available in both Greek and English. 

The Museum also houses temporary exhibitions, while it is also active in research, educational events and supports other local natural museums.