Swimming in front of Fytaki Megaron (today Megaron Hotel)||||

‘Bains mixtes’ at Heraklion’s portside

Published in "Unknown City"
Swimming next to the fortress of Koules, diving from the ‘reef of the Monkey’ at the port and daydreaming that one day the city beach…
Colorful interiors||||

Chronaki House: A noble house without nobles

Published in "Inside the Walls"
Lost in oblivion, the magnificent Chronaki House begs for your attention! 
Gareth & the Disk of Phaistos

Gareth Owens & the secrets of the Disk of Phaistos

Published in "City People"
Every year on the 3rd of July you will find him enjoying a cup of coffee at the same place: the palace of Radamanthys in…

The Carnival of Heraklion: a retro flashback sprinkled with confetti & nostalgia

Published in "Unknown City"
From the Venetian orange battles to the egg fights of 1924, and from the first carnivals at the end of the Ottoman rule to the…
Από τη Γενεύη, στον Άγιο Σύλλα|The venetian walls of Heraklion

Charles Weber and the "charming chaos" of Heraklion

Published in "City People"
Charles Weber is Swiss but lives in Crete for the past 10 years more or less. His photographic lens captures the most secluded corners of…
Minoan Civilization, Creep, and Radiohead

Minoan Civilization, Creep, and Radiohead

Published in "City Docs"
Surrealistic lessons of Minoan history on YouTube